Episode 57 - Joel Pearson - NEUROCREATIVITY 3: Intuitive Creativity
In this week’s episode, we interview Professor Joel Pearson, a psychologist, neuroscientist and public intellectual working at the forefront of science, innovation and agile science. He both studied art and science because he felt that these two are very similar and the way he practices science is probably more like an art. So, he developed “Agile Science”. He takes a multidisciplinary agile approach to running his lab, bringing in staff and students from art, architecture, mathematics, computer science, psychology, neuroscience and medical imaging.
Professor Joel Pearson’s research has been recognised with major accolades including the 2009 William James award for the greatest scientific contribution to understanding consciousness. His team’s efforts have been featured in The Huffington Post, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian Financial Review, LiveScience, Discovery Channel, BBC and a host of other major media outlets.
Ideas & Stories that Matter: https://www.twocommoncreatives.com/workshop
Two Common Creatives: https://www.twocommoncreatives.com/