Episode 56 - Uri Hasson: Extracting The Juice of Storytelling and Creativity

A celebrated TED speaker, Uri Hasson started his career with the intention of becoming a fictional writer. Nowadays, he’s taken storytelling to a new level and is a world authority on the neuroscience of storytelling. His research confirms what many know instinctively that stories are how we listen and learn. Stories are how we connect. (By contrast, humans struggle to make sense of data, statistics and raw facts). Interestingly Uri defines a story as ’a stimulation’ something that almost implants a memory into the listener's mind. “A story is like the juice of an orange - it squeezes the essence of the experience” he explains.

Professor Uri Hasson is a Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Neuroscience Institute at Princeton University. His research focuses on understanding how communication through story telling can affect human cognition. His TED talk “This is your brain on communication” has achieved over 250,000 views.




Ideas & Stories that Matter: https://www.twocommoncreatives.com/workshop

Two Common Creatives: https://www.twocommoncreatives.com/


Episode 57 - Joel Pearson - NEUROCREATIVITY 3: Intuitive Creativity


Episode 55 - Moshe Bar: Boost your Creativity with Mindwandering